
TEL : +852 6033 3759



HOURS : Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Sat 9am-2pm

Unit B, 4/F, Gough Plaza, 33 Gough Street, Central

Is there plastic in your bottled water?

HK heartbeat personal members: save 25% on our Acquavibe RO advanced filtration system (get promo code)

Water filtration system using natural pressure without electricity; eliminating impurities in the body, adding trace minerals and balancing pH

Acquavibe eliminates harmful chemicals and contaminants such as heavy metals, including Lead, VOC’s, THM’s, pharmaceutical’s, petroleum byproducts and hundreds of other contaminants. After your tap water has been cleansed, we add back to it natural trace minerals and that perfect pH for your bodies overall well being. Your water filtration system is installed under the kitchen sink by our professional technicians and is made in the USA. All parts are NSF and WQA certified.

Entered 22-Oct-01 | Updated 30-Apr-18

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