The #2Wplastic challenge

We’re in — are you?

Save your plastic household rubbish for two weeks (putting none in either the rubbish bin or the recycling bin) and then take a photo of yourself with the rubbish to see your own plastic footprint. Accept the challenge and ask others to join. Teaming up with a friend is a good idea, “If you do the challenge, I will too,” so I invite the entire HK heartbeat community to join and support each other through it. The idea is not to see how small a pile you can create. Live a normal two weeks and shop as you usually would, big piles are totally fine.

Join the Hong Kong #2Wplastic challenge – sign up here

We’ll share the results to .help raise awareness.

The objective is to show how hard it is not to accept plastic.

Thank you, Jo Wilson at Living Lamma for inspiring this brilliant idea …

Author: love

Information and communications for transformation ... naturally.