Fundraising for sustainable heartbeat 21

Support our growth to share our vision of independent, community-driven personal and social change.

This is our time.

We stay in touch with members to provide free community resources with trusted content, fresh updates and current contacts details for balanced everyday choices. Our goal is to serve our members by reaching as widely as possible with free public content for everyone.

Since our launch in 2001, all revenues have been used to produce a natural guide for life in the fast lane.

Follow the results of our crowdfunding campaign to find out how fundraising proceeds are used.

Give what you can afford … naturally.

Please support our growth to reach a wider audience and achieve our vision of independent, community-driven social change … naturally.

All contributions are used for producing fresh content and supporting volunteers with our Social Sponsorship Plan.

We are very resourceful — every little bit helps.

Make a single payment or upgrade to paid membership.

(A) Deposit to our bank account.

(B) Pay online with PayPal or Stripe.

Paid membership : Personal | Business

— Upgrade to personal membership for event invitations, special offers and member rates.

— Apply for business membership to introduce products and services (subject to approval).

— Sponsor a social member and support local volunteers efforts and non-profit organizations.

HK heartbeat is a labour of love for the founder who invests everything to produce free community resources serving members and the public with natural options for our little blue planet.

Contribute to our vision of independent, community-driven social change.

Cast your vote for natural life in the fast lane.

Thank you

HK heartbeat -- the natural network

Author: love

Information and communications for transformation ... naturally.