
The NextGen Smart Mask has arrived.

Choose quality over quantity, reusable over disposable with this private, pre-market offer.


100% biodegradable, antimicrobial protection with our new lightweight, breathable, antimicrobial mask made from ethical Egyptian cotton

Shipping is consolidated to reduce our footprint and our first order will be processed tomorrow (Friday 28 August) for free delivery by post in 3-4 weeks.

When did we decide that the mask would be another single-use item?

There's plenty of time to ensure we don't add masks to our culture of disposables.

The game-changing NextGen smart mask is available in two colours and two sizes

SilverPlus™ nanotech antimicrobial protection will begin fading after 100 washes.

Order yours, brand a mask for your business or fundraise for your organization.

Mask with care and consider the first 100% biodegradable, antimicrobial mask.

This is the first item to launch my new little shop that is a dream realized.

Customers will will be notified if we experience any unexpected delays.

Wholesale and custom orders are welcome -- get in touch.

Save money and get comfortable doing the right thing.


HK heartbeat

Listen to your own heartbeat

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Note: The natural color mask is unbleached cotton


On my morning walk down to the beach recently, I noticed a startling new trend in this quiet, remote, tiny fishing village – used surgical masks discarded into the river, ready to be swept into the sea with the next rain. With three rubbish bins within a one-minute walk, the senseless of this insensitive behavior left me incensed -- read more.

In the midst of this plastic pandemic, think twice before we toss it correctly or toss not at all.

Having picked up an average of 2-3 masks every time I venture out in this little remote fishing village I call home (yes, I gag a lot even when I do manage to find a stick), disposable masks have been on my mind and it's been months, now.

Change our ideas around disposable income and change systems that function on consumption.

Durable is the goal. Reusable the norm. Our little blue planet has an abundance of ready renewable resources to share fairly with everyone. We take our time to do things well and we realize that fast is not always best for everyone in our production and distribution lines, particularly in this time of great change. We're still in early days and your patience is appreciated with technical issues that pop up along the way.

Everything is connected.

Powered by passion, Hong Kong's natural network is building a fair future for everyone by connecting the public with independent professionals, commercial businesses and social organizations. Our members share fresh content and verified contacts for natural products, services and programs. We have everything for balanced everyday choices -- chemical-free health and beauty, lifestyle services, whole food, sustainable fashion, eco-style, green gadgets and more.

Listen to your own heartbeat.

Connections Unlimited, 2/F, 41 D'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong

+852 2594 0387 . hello@heartbeat.com.hk