HK heartbeat | #872 : 13 April 2018 | Read online

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This update is all about conscious choices.

After years of feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness of the urban jungle, we are suddenly surrounded by an enthusiastic group of new arrivals ready to save the planet, one conscious decision at a time.

Case in point: following on their success in Singapore, organizers of the Bali Spirit Festival are bringing The Conscious Festival to Hong Kong for Earth Day weekend with a new Unconference for industry professionals and special Film Screenings over the 3-day event at PMQ in the heart of Central. A few spaces are still available in the marketplace.

We've got special member rates and free weekend passes if you would be unable to attend otherwise.

It's been a while since I've shared an update and I will be back with regular notices when I return to Hong Kong from our farm on the Canadian prairies where I am supporting my mom and saying farewell to my dad. He had a good run -- 92 years -- and a very good death. Last month, he was still out playing cards a couple of times a week and not missing a beat. He left his body on March 31, 3 days after being admitted to hospital with a small stroke and less than 30 minutes after asking for the tubes were removed. We are blessed.

He taught me everything I know about zero-waste living and mom has decided she will spend time out in his shop finishing up his many and varied recycling projects when she wants to feel close to him. With plenty of wisdom gained by our pioneering ancestors who settled in winter miles from nowhere, our farming family knows a whole lot about not wasting a thing.

It feels good to see our old practices become fresh and new again.

What old is new for you?


natural life in the fast lane

Everything is connected.
Listen to your own heartbeat.

"To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step to knowledge." Benjamin Disraeli

Be social


18 (6:30-8:30pm) Kwan Yin Meditation with Acushla

20-22 The Conscious Festival

22 Earth Day Mysterious Cleanup

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Fresh content and local connections for balanced everyday choices ... naturally

Hong Kong's original natural lifestyle community is home to thousands of individuals, businesses and organizations sharing fresh content and local connections for authentic products, services and programs. With everything from acupuncture to zero-waste, our members have what you're looking for -- even when you're not sure what you're looking for -- chemical-free health and beauty, lifestyle services, whole food, sustainable fashion, eco-style, green gadgets and more ...