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HandsOn Hong Kong

Registered charity volunteer network mobilizing and empowering our community to meet pressing social needs in Hong Kong through volunteer services

TEL :  2815 2558



HandsOn Hong Kong (HOHK) was founded in 2007 and is a legally registered charity under the name "HandsOn Hong Kong Limited”. We are an affiliate of the HandsOn Network (HON), an international volunteer network headquartered and registered as a nonprofit organization in the United States. HandsOn Hong Kong mobilizes and empowers our community to meet pressing social needs in Hong Kong through volunteer services. Our vision is a caring community that gives its time and talent to transform Hong Kong.

Compliments of our Social Sponsorship Program

Entered 12-Oct-09 | Updated 18-Aug-15

HK heartbeat -- the natural network

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HK heartbeat -- the natural network

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Fresh content and local contacts for balanced everyday choices ... naturally

original | simple | authentic | inspired | social | conscious | real | whole

Everything is connected. Listen to your own heartbeat.

©2001 -  by Connections Unlimited