Today we are nineteen and ready for twenty.

Celebrate our anniversary with a visit to our new shop.

Disrupt with quality over quantity, reusable over disposable.

Join community leaders who have already purchased their masks.

Get yours or get in touch for a group purchase or a local fundraiser.

Pricing is available for singles and multiples so you can share the love.

Help stop the spread of disposable masks with FREE shipping worldwide.

Orders are processed in batches with our first delivery expected Nov 15.

I will continue to pick up discarded masks and do my best to slow the spread.

The shop is now open for members to offer your natural products and services.

I am at your service ...




HK heartbeat

Listen to your own heartbeat

Masks have become one of the most visible symbols in controlling the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and a massive number of discarded disposable masks are ending up in our landfills and washing up on our shores every day, posing a significant impact on the environment. As a business dedicated to promoting a fair and inclusive, socially responsible society, we collaborate with Better Off Alone to introduce the eco-smart NextGen, biodegradable mask.

BREATHABLE -- 100% fair trade Egyptian cotton, breathable and soft on the skin

ECONOMICAL -- 70% cheaper than purchasing and using a disposable mask every day

ECO-SMART -- Significantly reduce environmental impact compared with synthetic masks

ANTIMICROBIAL -- Silverplus® antimicrobial agent that slows spread of microorganisms

COLOUR -- Black or unbleached natural with embroidered heartbeat logo; S/M and M/L

Ours is the first retail shop in all of cyberspace for customer purchases:

The promotional price is HK$138 (regular $188) with free worldwide shipping included during pre-launch.

Delivery note: All orders are fulfilled in batches and the first batch is expected to be shipped in early November.

About masks

Hong Kong must count the long-term costs of throwaway masks.

Choose wisely and take care to use disposable masks only when necessary.

Mask with a valve may protect you, but it doesn’t protect the people around you.

DIY: one layer of tightly woven cotton combined with two layers of silk filters 80% to 99%.

Mask are not a replacement for 6 feet physical distancing, frequent hand-washing and avoiding crowds.

Save more than 70% vs disposables

Save real money and get comfortable doing the right thing.

Customers will will be notified if we experience any unexpected delays.

Mask with care and consider the new biodegradable, antimicrobial cotton mask.

Order yours or get in touch to customize a mask for community fundraising or company branding.

On my morning walk down to the beach recently, I noticed a startling new trend in this quiet, remote, tiny fishing village – used surgical masks discarded into the river, ready to be swept into the sea with the next rain. With three rubbish bins within a one-minute walk, the senseless of this insensitive behavior left me incensed -- read more.

Buy now

Buy now

Note: The natural color mask is unbleached cotton

In the midst of this plastic pandemic, let's please think twice before we toss and toss it correctly or toss not at all.

Having picked up an average of 2-3 masks every time I venture out in this little remote fishing village I call home (yes, I gag a lot even when I do manage to find a stick), disposable masks have been on my mind and it's been months.

Change our ideas around disposable income and change systems that function on consumption.

Durable is the goal. Reusable the norm. Our little blue planet has an abundance of ready renewable resources to share fairly with everyone. We take our time to do things well and we realize that fast is not always best for everyone, particularly in this time of great change.

We're in early days and your patience is appreciated as issues pop up along the way.


Lightweight, breathable, biodegradable mask made from 100% Egyptian cotton with SilverPlus® antimicrobial nanotech protection

Orders are processed in batches with delivery by post on arrival of shipment.

Everything is connected.

Powered by passion, Hong Kong's natural network is building a fair future for everyone by connecting the public with independent professionals, commercial businesses and social organizations. Our members share fresh content and verified contacts for natural products, services and programs. We have everything for balanced everyday choices -- chemical-free health and beauty, lifestyle services, whole food, sustainable fashion, eco-style, green gadgets and more.

Listen to your own heartbeat.

Eizink International, 2/F, 41 D'Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong

+852 2594 0387 .