HK heartbeat -- the natural network

8 September 2022 :: HERE :: read online

[First Name],

This week, we are still under construction.

The past few years have seen a significant shift.

Our community is spreading like seeds on the four winds.

And heartbeat is responding with new ways to serve everyone.

People are coming and going and we are staying in touch. Thanks to members and advertisers and donors who have been a big part of keeping the lights on heading into our third decade.

The answer to today's big question is: yes.

I am staying here in my home of 30 years. Instead of joining the exodus, I am doubling down to promote natural life in the fast lane. In fact, I believe Hong Kong will pop like a champagne cork when this is over and we will be ready to take the lead.

Together we are building something wonderful for the new normal.

So, in place of a big party next Thursday, my big birthday plan is to launch my 6th decade with a big campaign kickoff so we can have a double celebration for our 22nd anniversary next month.

The focus is firmly on fundraising for sustainable overheads and development support for our next gen tech team.

Get in touch today and let's talk about how we can build our dream.

The time has come and we will need all the help we can get.



HK heartbeat

Everything is connected.

Listen to your own heartbeat.

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"The road to success is always under construction." Lily Tomlin

Select from the wish list and support our community.

 ** Drop in a one-off cash contribution gift in any amount.

 ** Book a holistic consulting or healing session with Kinzie.

 ** Join an affordable monthly or annual membership plan.

 ** Advertise your business or sell (or shop) in the store.

 ** Have a quick chat about partnership opportunities.

All revenues go to fund operating and development costs.

"The road to success is always under construction." Lily Tomlin

Serving members businesses, professionals and volunteers.

HK heartbeat promotes holistic options for self and community. The network is born out of the founder's personal desire to circulate natural information about what's on in Hong Kong. We are fortunate to live in an international village with a vast array of skills, talents, gifts and viewpoints. There is a wide range of healthy and fun activities and a growing number of people looking for ways to contribute to personal growth and the careful development of our planet. Knowledge increases in value when exchanged. The natural database is maintained for the sole purpose of the serving the network. Like any community, our strength is in our cooperation. Share and invite your people to join.

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HK heartbeat -- Hong Kong SAR China

+852 6628 6153 .