Water works

With the hottest June on record and local contractors cutting corners by installing pipes with lead, our members are sharing their expertise on how best to stay hydrated, how to recognize when you’re not and how to diagnose and treat heavy metal toxicity. Wherever you are this summer, the best advice is to drink plenty of fresh water, consume sugary drinks in moderation and remember to re-hydrate after a big night (or day) out.

Water Drinking Guidelines

Shared by Health Coach Kanch at Living Alive (14 July 2015)

As the summer heats up we need to be careful on how much water we are drinking so we thought it would be a good idea to share some water drinking guidelines

1. How much should you drink?

Did you know that your body is made up of between 60-75% water? It’s no surprise that how much you drink can affect your health. Too much water could result in mineral imbalances, while too little could cause dehydration, headaches or fatigue. So, how much should you drink? Bio-individuality applies not only to food but also to the amount of water our bodies need to function properly. On average, men should ingest about 3 liters (13 cups) and women about 2.2 liters (9 cups) of water each day. In order to satisfy individual needs, various lifestyle factors need to be taken into consideration. For example, the water content in fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables may increase hydration in the body.

Water intake should be increased in the following situations:

  • Hot/humid temperature
  • High altitude (above 8,200 feet)
  • High exercise level
  • Illness of fever, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Infections of the bladder or urinary tract
  • Pregnancy/breast feeding
  • Increased alcohol intake

2. What is the best type of water to consume?

There are many types of water including tap, bottled, filtered, distilled, and alkaline ionized water. Consumption generally depends on cost and availability, as not everybody has access to the best sources of water.

Tap water, although the most readily available, may not always be the safest option. Some cities have very good purification systems, while others leave traces of chlorination by-products, lead and sometimes bacteria. Research your city’s Consumer Confidence Report distributed every year by the Environmental Protection Agency to see if additional home purification is warranted.

Water filters can help to remove contaminants when environmental toxins pose a threat to water systems. It is important to know which contaminants are present in your water in order to choose the right filter.

Distillation, a process consisting of boiling water, has also been found to remove impurities and toxins. However, some believe the naturally occurring minerals in non-distilled water are beneficial to health.

Bottled water has become a popular option for individuals without access to safe tap water; however, there are growing concerns about chemicals from the plastic seeping into the water, as well as the effects that the increasing number of bottles is having on the environment.

Water ionizers are gaining more recognition for their ability to create alkaline ionized water through electrolysis, which may have certain health benefits.

Stay hydrated this summer.

Article from Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Hydrating at the cellular level

By Chan Cudennec, SOL Wellness (16 July 2015)

I hope you are enjoying the hot summer. However, it can be dehydrating and tiring. You need to listen to your body and drink adequate water to quench the real thirst at the cellular level.

Did you know that dehydration is the cause of many health problems?

Signs of dehydration:

  • Headaches
  • Increased thirst
  • Dry mouth and swollen tongue
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations
  • Confusion
  • Sluggishness
  • Fainting
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms then you need to drink water

Calculate amount you need

Divide your weight in kg by 30 (eg 60kg/30 =2 litres/day)

Which water to drink?

Water, the giver of life, should be slightly alkaline, free of chemicals, chlorine, heavy metals and must taste good and light.

Lead and drinking water

By Graeme Bradshaw, Integrated Medicine Institute (16 July 2015)

Recently, lead contamination has been a heated topic in the news headlines. Several clients have asked for advice on heavy metal toxicity and I thought it worthwhile to share the information.

Lead toxicity is a serious matter, probably the most important chronic environmental illness affecting modern children. Lead exposure in Hong Kong usually comes from lead-paint dust, or in this case, materials in water pipes.

To protect you and your family, I recommend using a high quality water filtration system. There are water filters that are proven to remove 99.9% of chlorine, fluoride, and yes, arsenic and lead.

Remove any background sources:

  • Check for industrial contamination of your home and workplace: lead-based paints, water pipes, etc.
  • Ceramics with blue-color glazes and pewter (metal cups) could contain lead

Lead accumulates in the liver and brain and is very damaging to children. The effects of lead poisoning include delayed or reversed development, permanent learning disabilities from reduced IQ, mood disorders including aggressiveness and depression, fatigue and anaemia.

When there is no obvious cause for a child’s poor health or behaviour, or a show of developmental delays, parents should consider a screening for heavy metals toxicity. There are simple methods to assess the levels: hair mineral analysis is a simple but less accurate one, the other is via a urine test procedure, which is my preferred option. For recent and ongoing lead exposure such as from the water supply, a simple blood test is adequate as the first screening, and this method is less expensive as well.

Lead toxicity is a treatable condition. Based on the result of your screening, you may consider undergoing a clinically-based, therapeutic detoxification program to lower the level of heavy metal toxicity in your body. This heavy metal specific treatment can take a few months and it is usually administered by a medical doctor.

More burdened individuals may require Chelation Therapy, a lead poisoning treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When administrated by a qualified doctor, it is a safe, though powerful intravenous method to eliminate heavy metal toxins from the body. Toxicity levels are recorded by urine assessments and positive results can be expected after three to four treatments.

For children, the detoxification process is done with milder techniques administered by Naturopaths. This process usually normalizes the learning and behaviour issues for affected children.

Meet our business members providing water filtration systems:


Author: heartbeat

Information and communication for transformation ... naturally.