Amber: Protection – Healing, soothing, harmonizing; intellect.
- improves the memory
- helps dissolve stress and depression
- shield against radiation
- cleanses the environment
- thyroid and throat problems, kidney and bladder disease, viral infections, headaches and bronchial conditions
Amethyst: increases vivid dreams, relieves depression, promotes calm, serenity, and spirituality.
- Helps with addiction and stress
- Third Eye Chakra
- Serenity – promotes inner peace ; increases confidence, self-esteem, courage and willpower
- promotes spiritual upliftment
- headaches, migraines, neck and back pain and hangovers
Jade: wisdom, mercy, humility, generosity, peace and harmony.
- Protective and lucky when worn as jewelry
- Emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love.
- Wisdom, courage
- Prosperity – increased awareness; protection against accidents; relaxation and physical balancing
- problem solving; attract love and solidify commitments.
Lapis Lazuli: emotional healing and stability
- High intensity stone which cleanses the spirit to bring out inner truth and peace.
- Chakras: third eye, throat
- Opening of chakras. Enhances psychic abilities, mental clarities
- Throat and third eye chakras
- Intuition – spiritual healing and purification; strengthen love; confidence and clarity
Black Onyx: protection – balancing male/female energies;
- releases old relationships and keeps away general negativity
- relieves stress
- Chakras: all
- Helps one to change bad habits. This is great when used in a necklace.
- Helps people notice chakras when placed on each chakra; can be done one chakra at a time
- It is a great grounding stone; good protective stone
Fresh Water Pearl: Purity, self-love and emotional clarity
Rose Quartz: “Love Stone” promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing
- Chakra: heart
- Aids development of love, forgiveness and compassion
- Heart chakra – gentleness and love
- assists in expressing and soothing emotions
- attracts goodwill, friendship and romantic love
- enhance self-esteem, compassion and forgiveness
- aids in recovery from emotional trauma, loss, stress and fear
- headaches, kidneys, circulation and fluid retention, fertility and sexual balance
Quartz: Grounding, centering. Chakras: root, navel
Crystal – calm
- restores the clarity, openness and wonderment
- enhance insight and communication
- dispel negative energy
Turquoise – PROTECTION – Creative expression, Attracts friendships, luck, and happiness. Releases shame and guilt. (respiratory system)
- Turquoise is a powerful, protective stone. It is said to guard the soul and absorb any negative energies that would otherwise affect the wearer — so much so that it sometimes cracks or changes colors. This multipurpose stone — more so than others — will take its cue from you. What you need may come to you effortlessly when you wear or carry turquoise.
- If you visit areas where safety is a concern, carry or wear turquoise for protection. At a crucial relationship juncture, or when you must confront a loved one, this stone can bring success, increased happiness and well being for all.
- Aligns chakras
- Enhances meditation. friendship
- Chakra: throat
Agate : Earth, For grounding & balance.
Amber : Mercury. High electrical charge for positive energy. Harmonizes Yin and Yang.
Amethyst : Jupiter, Pluto. Eases compulsive/obsessive behavior (desire for food, tobacco, drugs, alchol, etc) calms an overactive mind, increases self-esteem, aids sleep
Apache Tears : Pluto. Grounding. Transforms and aids in the release of lower emotions.
Aquamarine : Neptune. Tranquility, sooths the heart, inspires compassion.
Adventurine (Green Quartz) : Venus, Uranus. Joy, balance, clarity.
Azurite : Saturn. Developement of intuition, understanding and communication of Universal Law.
Bloodstone : Earth. Physical healer, mental balancer, removes toxins from blood, aligns energiues along spinal column.
Blue Celestite : Neptune. Opens one up to the angelic realms. For detachment, clear perspective, divine inspiration.
Blue Topaz : Mercury, Uranus. High electrical charge. Focuses and clears the mind, opens one ti inspiration.
Carnelian : Saturn, Earth. Sacred to Isis. Protective, aids concentration. Access to past life data. (orange in color)
Citrine : Mercury, Mars. Bridge between higher and lower consciousness; transmutes fear.
Coral : Venus, Neptune. Love and harmony.
Emerald : Venus. Heart stone. Great harmonizer. Love, balance, undertanding.
Flourite : Neptune. Opens wearer to influence of other stones. Grounds excess energy.
Garnet : Pluto, Mars. Aids kundalini to ascend in proper channels. Aids circulation.
Hematite : Saturn. Grounding, focus, self discipline.
Herkiner Diamond : Uranus. Releases stress, cleanses subtle bodies. Stumlates clairvoyance, dream work. Crown chakra.
Jade : Venus, Neptune. Cooling, water element. Soothing, healing.
Jet : Pluto. Sacred to Pan. Helps to confront darker aspects of self and nature.
Kyanite : Neptune, Pluto. Aligns chakras and subtle bodies.
Labradorite/Spectrolite : Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. Opens heart chakra.
Lapis Lazuli : Venus, Neptune. Throat chakra. STone of teachers. Clarity and ease of expression of higher wisdom.
Malachite : Venus. Solar plexus. Emotional balance. Strengthens physical and etheric eyes.
Moldavite : Pluto, Mercury, Moon. Astral Projection, access to akashic records, wider perspectives.
Moonstone : Moon. Sacred to the Goddess, moonstone may be used to enhance the feminine, strengthen psychic abilities, and increase sensativity to natural cycles.
Obsidian : Pluto. Transforms energy and emotions in a very powerful way. Not to be worn as jewelry. Also a powerful grounding stone.
Onyx (black) : Saturn. Stabilizing. Mirrors all aspects of the self, dark as well as light. Transformative.
Opal : Mercury. Links physical body to higher bodies, allowing greater access to cosmic consciousness.
Paua Shell : Neptine. Aids one in accessing the subconscious for emotional and artistic inspiration.
Pearl : Venus.
Peridot : Mercury. Creates feeling of protection, allowing heart to open. Unblocks congestions.
Pyrite : Mars. Vitality, strengthening of Will. Improves circulation.
Quartz : Uranus. Purifier, protector, spiritual awakener. Raises Vibratory rate.
Rhodochrosite : Mercury, Venus. Holds any force field. Draws white light into the physical body.
Rose Quartz : Venus. Self love, friendship.
Ruby: Sun, Mars. Heart Chakra. Compassion, leadership, heals relationship to father.
Rutilated Quartz : Sun, Uranus. High electrical charge. Powerful healer.
Sapphire : Neptune. Aids spiritual understanding.
Selenite : Moon. Soothing, nurturing, inspirational.
Sodalite : Venus, Pluto. Opens throat chakra. Physical healer. Transformative. (Blue speckled stone).
Smoky Quartz : Mercury, Earth. One of the best grounding stones. Balancing.
Tigereye : Mercury, Earth, Mars. Sacred to Bast and Sekhmet. Helps one to distinguish between actual need and false desire.
Topaz : Mercury. Bridge between higher and lower consciousness. Assimulation of abstract information.
- Black – deflects negativity. Very protective; Green – refines, strengthens, directs will.
- Pink – love and sacrifice, devotion.
- Watermellon – corrects imbalances, eases guilt.
Tourmalinated Quartz : Pluto, Uranus. Deflects and eliminates negative conditioning patterns.
Torquoise : Venus, Moon. Symbol of the sky. Works on respiratory system, helps manifest spiritual qualities on the physical plane.
AGATE Tones & strengthens body/mind/spirit, imparts a sense of strength & courage
ALEXANDRITE Soothes nervous system. Aligns mental & emotional body. Chakra: crown
AMAZONITE Brings joy & upliftment. Creative express- sion. Chakra: throat
AMBER Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Intellect. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, crown
AMETHYST Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Chakras: third eye, crown
AQUAMARINE Calms nerves. Purifies the body. Enhances clarity of mind, aids creative self-expression. exc. for meditation. Chakras: throat,solar plexus.
AVENTURINE Aids in releasing anxiety & fear. Tranquility & positive energy. Chakra: heart
AZURITE Facilitates clear meditation. Enhances psychic abilities & creativity. Chakra: throat
BLOODSTONE Stimulates movement of kundalini. Inner guidance, idealism. Chakras: root, heart
CALCITE Reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. grounding. Works with all chakras.
CARNELIAN Enhances attunement w/ inner self. Facilitates concentration. Chakras: navel, heart
CELESTITE Reduces stress. Relaxing peace of mind. Aids personal creative expression. Chakra: throat
CHRYSOCOLLA Power, communication, joy, emotional balance. Chakras: throat, heart
CHRYSOPRASE Fertility, calming, balancing. Brings out inner talents. Chakra: heart
CITRINE Enhances body’s healing energy. Raises self- esteem. Hope. Chakras: navel, crown
COPPER Helps detoxify body. Raises self-esteem
DIAMOND Master healer. Dispels negativity. Purifies body. Abundance, faithfulness. Chakra: all
DIOPTASE Peace of mind. Abundance, prosperity, wellbeing, health, progress. Chakra: heart
EMERALD Enhances dreams, meditation, deeper spiritual insight. Chakras: heart, solar plexus
FLUORITE Grounds excess energy. Greater concentration, meditation. Works with all chakras
GARNET Harmonizes the forces of the kundalini. Love, compassion, imagination. Chakras: root,heart
GOLD Attracts positive energy into aura. Chakras: navel, heart, crown
HEMATITE Dispels negativity. Grounding. Protection.
HERKIMER Enhances inner vision. Increases dream
DIAMOND awareness. Chakras: all
JADE Emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Wisdom, courage.
JASPER Powerful healer. Chakras: all
KUNZITE Aids in healing depression. Enhances self-esteem. Soothing. Chakra: heart
KYANITE Enhances communication, expression, astral travel. Chakra: throat, 3rd eye
LAPIS LAZULI Opening of chakras. Enhances psychic abilities, mental clarities. Chakras: third eye, throat
LEPIDOLITE Aids sleep. Enhances expression of one’s inner light& joy. Chakra: heart
MALACHITE Aids sleep. Brings in abundance & prosperity, chakras: heart, solar plexus
METEORITE Helps reveal past lives. Expands awareness. chakra: root
MOLDAVITE Aids alignment w/ Higher Self. Chakra: heart
MOONSTONE Aids birthing process, female problems. Aligns emotions. Chakra: heart
OBSIDIAN Grounds spiritual energy. Absorbs & dispels negativity. Chakra: root
ONYX Balancing male/female energies. Relieves stress. Self control. Chakras: works w/all
OPAL Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition, chakras: heart & others (depending on stone)
PERIDOT Purifies body. Increases intuitive awareness stimulates mind. Chakras: navel, heart,plexus
PYRITE Influences a positive outlook on life. harmony. Chakras: root,heart,solar plexus
QUARTZ Dispels negativity. Stimulates energy. Ex CRYSTAL cellent for meditation. Chakras: all
RHODOCHROSITE Heals emotional wounds. Acceptance of self & life. Healer. Chakras: root, heart
RHODONITE Brings love into action & manifestation. Self – esteem & confidence. Chakra: root, heart
ROSE QUARTZ Aids development of love, forgiveness and compassion. “Love Stone”. Chakra: heart
RUBY Activates movement on all levels. Courage, power, leadership. Chakra: root, heart
RUTILATED Eases depression. Enhances communication
QUARTZ w/ Higher Self & Spirit Guides. Chakras:all
SAPPHIRE Stimulates psychic abilities. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Chakras: 3rd eye, throat
SELENITE Aids power of concentration & clarity. enhances willpower. Chakra: crown
SILVER Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Excellent energy conductor.
SMOKY QUARTZ Aids depression. Relaxation & calmness.
QUARTZ Grounding, centering. Chakras: root, navel
SODALITE Brings clarity & truth. Enhances communi- cation & expression. Chakras: 3rd eye, throat
SUGILITE Emotional balancer, reduces stress. Protects,Exc. for meditation. Chakras: 3rd eye, crown
TIGER EYE Good Luck Stone. Enhances clear perception & insight. Chakras: navel, solar plexus
TOPAZ Emotional balance. Soothing, peace, tranquility. Chakras: heart, throat, 3rd eye
TOURMALINA-Grounding, balancing. Protection. Dispels negativity. Chakras: crown, root
TURQUOISE Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creat- ive expression, friendship. Chakra: throat
VARISCITE Self confidence. Abundance, soothing, calming. Chakras: heart, solar plexus
ZIRCON Emotional balance, self-esteem. Aids sleep. All around healer. Chakras: all
Amber: This “good luck” stone brings the purifying, revitalizing force of the sun and the absorptive, transmuting energy of the earth together to create a powerful tool. Draws disease out of the body and transforms it. Clears negativity. 2nd chakra.
Amethyst: Spiritual Upliftment.
Aquamarine: Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Stone of the new heart chakra center
Aventurine: Helps heal the Heart, lungs, and adrenals. 4th chakra
Amethyst: Inner alignment. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones. 6th chakra.
Azurite: Helps – Surfaces psychic blocks that form physical blocks– Helps to let go of old belief systems – Helps heal throat, arthiritis & joints, spleen, and spine. 5th and 6th chakras.
Bloodstones: Helps heal all blood disorders, lungs, eyesight, and heart. 1st chakra.
Carnelian: Balance creativity and mental processes. Helps asthma, and blood pressure. 2nd chakra.
Citrine: Upliftment – Helps digestion, circulation. 2nd, and 3rd chakras.
Coral: Emotional balance
Diamond: Increase personal clarity. Balances metabolism, de-toxifies the body, and strengthens the eyesight. Vivifies all chakras
Emerald: Physical and emotional healing – tranquilizing affect on the heart and mind, inspiring calm, clear assurance. 4th chakra and higher.
Hematite: Helps heal, tumors and anemia. 6th, 7th chakras
Herkimer diamond: Chakra cleanser. Protects against radiation. De-toxes the body.
Jade: Strengthens the heart , kidneys and immune system. Helps cleanse the blood. Increases longevity and fertility.
Aids in eye disorders and female problems
Jaspar: Helps tissue regeneration and smell. 1st, 2nd chakras
Kunzite: Heals the heart. 4th chakra and up
Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra.
Malachite: Harmony and balance
Moldavite: Take you out of your body–very power for astral travel
Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra.
Black Obsidian: Grounding stone.
Onyx: Helpful in treating glaucoma, epilepsy, and cell damage. Attuned to 1st and 5th chakras.
Opal: See possibilities; Discover a broader view. Heals and clears eyesight, and balances the metabolism. 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras.
Peridot: Strengthens, and regenerates all organs, stimulating new, healthy growth. Balances bio-rythmic cycles. Protects the user from negativity. Helps heal infection, ulcers, and thyroid. 4th chakra.
Quartz: Removes negative energy – Universal conduit. Amplifies, focuses, stores, transforms, energies.
Rose Quartz: Heart chakra
Rhodonite: Emotional support. Helps one take the next step emotionally
Ruby: Helps heal the heart and all blood impurities. De-toxes the body. 4th chakra.
Sapphire: Mental Clarity; Clear mental garbage. Carrier of the Blue ray.
Sodalite: Protection from external negative energy.
Tourquoise: Aligns all chakras, Strengthens and calms the mind and body. 5th chakra.
Tiger’s Eye: Helps heal wounds, bruises, eyes and throat. 5th chakra.
Topaz: Helps to break up stagnation of energy within the body, and assists with the elimination of toxins. 3rd chakra and higher.