News watch – June 2011

Gulfstream jet completes flight from NY to Paris on biofuel blend (Tannith Cattermole at gizmag 26 June 2011) – Paris air show arrivals to include solar-powered Solar Impulse aircraft and Boeing 747-8F using biofuel blend in all four engines

Oceans at high risk of entering a phase of extinction unprecedented in human history (By Richard Black at BBC News – 20 June 2011) – Impacts of over-fishing, pollution and climate change, acting together in ways not previously recognised, are already affecting humanity

Routine use of vital antibiotics on livestock farms threatens human health (Jeremy Laurance at The Independent – 17 June 2011) – Price pressures driving intensive farming practices recognized as major contributor to the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Findings in India raise public health concerns as the global population becomes more urban (Kerry Grens at Reuters – 15 June 2011) – Study indicates Indians migrating from rural to urban areas score worse on health than those who remained in rural areas

FDA cracks down on sunscreen labeling (Rob Stein at The Washington Post – 15 June 2011) – Sun protection factor (SPF) rating must be at least 15 to claim protection against sunburn, wrinkles and skin cancer

China downplays risk to children from lead poisoning (Michael Martina at Reuters – 15 June 2011) – Rapid growth linked to lead poisoning in children growing up near industrial areas afflicted by pollution from poorly regulated factories

Growing health concerns after China’s latest food scare (Wang Yan and Zheng Xin at China Daily – 13 June 2011) – Organic compound used to make plastic soft and pliable was illegally substituted for expensive traditional emulsifier in food and drinks

Ovarian Cancer Screening Does More Harm Than Good (Jill U Adams at Los Angeles Times – 12 June 2011) – 18-year study indicates widespread screeining sets up many women for needless surgery and avoidable complications

Trying to fix diet without considering exercise doesn’t make sense (Alex Hutchinson at the Globe and Mail – 12 June 2011) – New long-term study of more than 100,000 runners reveals the more they exercised, the less it seemed to matter what they ate

Organic foods buyers in Russia see safety in worms (Olga Razumovskaya at The Moscow Times – 10 June 2011)
If you can find a worm in an apple, it’s probably a good indicator that no pesticides or chemicals were used to grow it.

Author: curator

This content is published by the HK heartbeat curator.