
“Home is where one starts from.” TS Eliot

This week’s heartbeat is delivered with compassion
For those who lost someone they love in these weeks.

[Originally posted on 3 April 2003]

Today the sun is trying to come out and I feel a shift.
people are trying to make sense of what is happening.

I would like to share some positive outcomes from
the current economic, peace and medical challenges.

We saw that opportunity that can come from any crisis.

We reflected on our ability to work ourselves to burnout
And realized the economic value of taking care of ourselves.

Practical and positive advice became a valuable commodity.

Concerned individuals responded to an information vacuum
and created a community of caring, support and sharing.

The department of health developed a website on atypical
pneumonia that delivers lots of common sense advice.

An inventive 14-year-old showed us how quickly information
can be transmitted around the world with immediate results.

Personal space took on a whole new meaning.

Everyone remembered the importance of personal hygiene
in a city where we often live and work in very close quarters.

We put on real masks representing the masks we all wear
that hide our real smiles and protect our vulnerable selves.

It became impossible to hide our fears as the media
played right into them and turned our city inside out.

What can you create out of your greatest fear?


HK heartbeat

Listen to your own heartbeat.

Serving Hong Kong since 2001 … naturally

“Home is where one starts from.” TS Eliot

Author: love

Information and communications for transformation ... naturally.