
“Happiness is just another of the tricks that our genetic system plays on us to carry out its only role, which is the survival of the species.” Paulo Coelho

The masks are coming out in force this weekend.

Modern Halloween is not connected to pagan folk customs or Christian practices but it is picking up in consumption-led economies, fueling up to US$8.8 billion of spending in America on cheap costumes, disposable decorations and tonnes of seasonal candy this week. In the absence of clean shipping, the environmental impact will be considerable, not to mention the comedown after that massive sugar high.

Halloween is a relatively recent commercial holiday in Hong Kong so we have time to change our traditions before it takes hold with those tricky messages to try and convince us to treat ourselves.

We’re here to help anyone who’s ready to set sail in a different direction by offering a map and helping each other keep the wind at our back. Signs of change are appearing in a movement towards impact investing and a return to quality basics.

The first step is to make the decision, then to make it again and keep making it over and over. Keeping on course means elevating personal care practice beyond the mind myths and tricking ourselves into a new set of habits aimed at treating all life well.

Get social. Take a walk. Play a trick. Share a treat.

Listen to your own heartbeat.



“Happiness is just another of the tricks that our genetic system plays on us to carry out its only role, which is the survival of the species.” Paulo Coelho

Ways Forward -- Public Dialogue

Tree views ... naturallyPhoto by Kinzie

Author: love

Information and communications for transformation ... naturally.