This week, we are watching our words.
In the early days of heartbeat, our community was informed and passionate and shared a purpose. We described our businesses in terms of support and service. In the absence of social media, we informed ourselves by sharing and discussing.
Then, about 10 years ago, something happened.
Well, a few things happened around the same time — food scares, toxic air, viral epidemics. China’s decision to build a green wall happened quietly but it didn’t take long for the results to have a direct impact on our local landfills.
As we began to experience the cumulative effects of industrialized food production and the of growth heavy industry in general, the public started asking questions. Social media arrived on the scene around the time we began questioning corporate profit motives.
The public began demanding safer, cleaner products that are as healthy for our bodies as they are for our planet.
In tune with changing customer demands, marketers responded by injecting “organic” and “sustainable” into business plans to convince us there was something inherently good about an organic product or service if it promoted sustainability.
As if by magic, we started seeing “healthy”, “organic” and “natural” replace “new” “better” and “best” on our product labels while the ingredient list and the production processes remained essentially the same.
We were duped.
or·gan·ic: relating to or derived from living matter
sus·tain·a·ble: able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
If our lifestyle is not organic or sustainable, we might be forgiven for questioning how it got that way.
On Friday after my RTHK radio interview on natural living in Hong Kong, I stopped by a shopping mall to pick up a few things. Imagine my surprise to discover we can now visit “Natural Optical Centre” for eyewear.
This is more evidence of just how far we have gone and just how meaningless our words can be.
I remember attending green buildings event a few years ago where I asked a CEO of one of the big developers what sustainable means to him. He was very clear in the use of sustainability to describe a situation where they could continue to develop at a profit. There was no mention of LEEDS, IEQ or ISO, but his answer clearly described his understanding.
If we were living a truly sustainable lifestyle, we would never need use of the word.
There is a balance in nature that will equalize itself without effort and without us and the ecosystems and species we destroy will be balanced by evolution. The earth is a sustainable system with processes and technologies we can all learn from. A few people gather to celebrate this simple truth each year on April 22 and remind ourselves of our role in maintaining that balance that is essential for our future.
How will you celebrate Earth Day?
Founder & Publisher
natural life in the fast lane
Everything is connected.
Listen to your own heartbeat.
“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” Voltaire
Events in our community this week
Print calendar | Event details | Submit Event | Featured Events
17 (2-4pm) 12 Chakras Activation Course | The Healing Centre of Hong Kong | details
19 (7-8:30pm) HK sTREEt Story | Green Drinks | details
19 (7:30-9:30pm) Intro To Rooftop Gardening | Growing Smart | details
20 (7-11pm) Raw Vegan Cheese & Wine Tasting | Masalas & Olives | details
20 (7-10pm) Nonviolent Communication | Hong Kong Authentic Relaters | details
21-22 (8:30am-5pm) The International Conference on Climate Change | Green Council | details
21 (7-8:30pm) One Love Concert | Red Doors Studio | details
22 (11am-3:30pm) YCIS Earth Day | YCIS Hong Kong | details
22 (1-3pm) Body Alignment Workshop | Yoga with Rose | details
25 (6:30-8:30pm) Macrobiotic Vegan Italian Cooking | SpiceBox Organics | details
Join as a community member (free) for full access to calendar details.
Coming up
April 25 > Macrobiotic Vegan Italian Cooking
April 26 > Medical Lecture on Spiritual Healing
April 27 > Social Mobility for Youth: Escaping Poverty in Developing Asia
May 6 Lantau Health & Wellness Expo
May 13-14 IRIS – Your Escape
May 20-21 The Science of Ayurveda Aromatherapy
May 27 360 Wellness Fair
June 23-24 Evolution – Asia Yoga Conference
More >> Members | Directory | Features | Listings | Guides | Join
Fresh content and local connections for everyday choices since 2001 … naturally
Hong Kong’s original natural lifestyle community is home to thousands of individuals, businesses and organizations sharing fresh content and local connections for authentic products, services and programs. With everything from acupuncture to zero-waste solutions, our members have everything you’re looking for — even when you’re not sure what you’re looking for — chemical-free health and beauty, lifestyle services, whole food, sustainable fashion, eco-style, green gadgets and more … naturally.
Photo credit: Kinzie